The various elements provided allow us to calculate as precisely as possible the different forms of assistance, such as the 3% VAT, registration fees, etc. The seller will be able to provide you with this information.

Indicate here the price of the land for a house, or the land share for an apartment. The land is subject to registration but not to VAT. For the sale of an existing property, you can enter the full price here and leave all other fields at 0.

Architect and engineering fees, as well as other expenses defined by the legislator, do not qualify for the reduced 3% housing VAT.

In the case of a Sale in Future State of Completion (VEFA), construction costs are divided between work completed at the time of signing the notarized deed, which will be paid upon signing, and work yet to be completed, which will be billed according to progress. For the first category — completed constructions — a VAT reimbursement request can be submitted by the buyer. For the second category — constructions to be completed — an application for approval to invoice at a 3% VAT rate (super-reduced rate for housing) may be submitted.

Completed constructions refer to those already finished at the time of signing the VEFA sale deed. The seller will be able to provide these details.

The key date here is the date of the notarized deed. Some aids are time-limited. Some expire at the end of the year on December 31, 2024 (such as the registration tax credit, accelerated depreciation, tax deductibility, etc.). Others are limited until June 30, 2025 (reduced registration of 50%). Finally, some have no expiration date.

Purchasing a home for owner-occupation or for rental purposes entitles the buyer to different types and amounts of assistance.

The tax credit is a person-based benefit. It is granted once but can be used in multiple installments for successive sales. The tax credit is doubled in cases of collective household taxation. In this context, it is important to know how much credit has already been used by the buyer or their spouse.

Valeur d’achat totale, y compris frais notarié, mais non compris les frais d’enregistrement.

Seule la quote-part construction et les frais notarié sont soumis à amortissement.

Estimation du loyer mensuel du logement.

Veuillez indiquer quel pourcentage de l’acquisition sera financé par crédit.

Une déduction sous forme de frais d’obtention exceptionnels de 6% pendant l’année d’achèvement et les 6 années subséquents est accordée jusqu’à une valeur d’amortissement de 250 000.-€/an – donc une valeur construction de 4 166 667.-€. L’amortissement représente 2% auquel s’ajoute une abattement immobilier spécial de 4% jusqu’à un montant de 250 000.-€/an.
Au-delà du montant de 4 166 667 comme coût de construction, l’amortissement est limité à 2 %. Le régime d’amortissement des personnes physiques sera réduit pour toute acquisition dont l’acte notarié est signé après le 31.12.2024.
Pour les personnes morales (sociétés) l’amortissement est de 4% (pas de bonification d’impôt spécial).

Le revenu fiscal représente le revenu soumis à impôt. Il est obtenu en calculant :
Loyer annuel - amortissement - intérêts annuels.
Si le montant est négatif, l’impôt sera négatif et déduit de vos autres revenus.

Benefits of Accelerated Depreciation

For any purchase made until 07/01/2025 (for individuals only)

Accelerated Depreciation Chapter:

Accelerated depreciation is an accounting method that allows an asset to be depreciated faster than with the standard linear depreciation method. This allows for a greater portion of the depreciation to be accounted for in the early years of the asset’s life, which can be fiscally advantageous.

Various assumptions are integrated into the model, without claiming to be exhaustive, such as the investment cost, rent, interest rate, discount rate, and current tax legislation. The variables (such as rent, interest rate, etc.) are estimated under current market conditions.

They are not guaranteed and may change over the investment period. The tax benefit is calculated by considering a marginal tax rate of 41%. Profitability is calculated based on a 6% depreciation rate, valid for the first six years. Afterward, the depreciation rate drops to 2% per year.

Purchase Value

768.000€ Including €465,000 for Construction

Apartment Rent


Annual Rent


Credit Hypothesis


Interest Rate


Annual Interest


Depreciation Rate


Annual Depreciation


Taxable Income


Tax Benefit


Repayment Capacity


2.605,65 €/Months

Invest in rental properties and take advantage of favorable tax incentives!

The year 2024 offers unique opportunities for real estate investors:

New “Bëllegen Akt” Tax Credit

Up to €20,000 per person or €40,000 per couple, only for purchases in off-plan sales (Vente en État Futur d’Achèvement – VEFA). This credit is conditional upon renting out the property for a minimum period of 2 years.

Accelerated Depreciation

Benefit from a 6% rate for six years, capped at €250,000 per year, for properties intended for rental.

Reduced Capital Gains Tax Rate

Property sales signed in 2024 benefit from a reduced capital gains tax rate of 10%, provided the holding period is longer than 2 years. This measure is temporary as, starting January 1st, 2025, the rate will increase to 20% for sales after 5 years of ownership.

Beyond 2024, other tax incentives continue to encourage real estate investment:

Exemption on Net Income from Social Rental Management

Income from rentals through a social rental management organization is now 90% tax-exempt, compared to 75% previously.
This encourages owners to rent their properties through these organizations.

Increased Capital Gains Exemption for Eco-Friendly Housing Projects

Capital gains from the sale of energy-efficient properties or those dedicated to social rental management can benefit from additional tax exemptions.